London North Central Catholic Family of Parishes
St. Michael's Parish | St. Josephine Bakhita African & Caribbean Catholic Community | St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica​
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About our Family of Parishes
London North Central Catholic Family of Parishes is comprised of three Catholic Communities: St. Josephine Bakhita African & Caribbean Catholic Community, St. Michael's Parish, and St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica. The diocese uses the term "family" to describe our community, because each community has its own unique distinction, and yet is unified with a common-mission and purpose. Just as any family has its own unique members, it also has a unity that binds it together. In this sense, we are a mission-oriented Family of Parishes, seeking to make disciples of Jesus.
What the LNCC Family of Parishes Logo Stands For
All three communities were considered in the development of this logo. The chain has a dual
(1) It reminds us of St. Michael the Archangel who bound up Satan so that we might have
freedom from his malice.
(2) It is also a broken chain which reminds us of the freedom Christ brought to St. Josephine
Bakhita who was a slave. The chain is connected to the Keys of St. Peter which remind us of
our unity with our Bishop, and the unity we have as a family of parishes.
We, the London North Central Catholic Family of Parishes, are bound together in a spirit of peace.

History of St. Michael's Parish
St. Michael's Parish in London was established by his Lordship Bishop Fallon in October 1911. Till that time the Catholic people of the northern part of the city and London Township attended the Cathedral. This was the fourth parish to be created in London.
Father Hanlon, pastor of St. Patrick’s, Biddulph, was appointed to the charge of the new parish. He immediately took up his new residence in the north end and began the work of organizing the parish. St. Nicholas School on Cheapside Street had been serving the children of this district since 1882 and the pastor was able to commence holding services in the school. The first Mass was celebrated in the little school on November 12, 1911.
Previously, property had been procured by the Bishop for the new church and school on the Maitland Street corner of Cheapside. As this property is situated in proximity to the highest point within the limits of the City of London, it proved an ideal site for the Church, all the more so because it is in the very centre of the parish. Under the able direction of Father Hanlon, who already had to his credit the erection of two churches, the work of building the church, parochial house and school, and the collection of funds for this work, went on rapidly. The current Church of St. Michael’s was built in 1970.
History of St. Josephine Bakhita African & Caribbean Catholic Community
St. Josephine Bakhita African & Caribbean Catholic Community was formerly known as the Sudanese Roman Catholic Faith Community of London, Ontario.
It was formed and established for the following missions:
To help the African and Caribbean Catholic community to continue growing in faith with their children following in the Roman Catholic values and traditions.
To share African and Caribbean traditional- Roman Catholic Eucharistic celebrations withother Christian communities in London.
To encourage Catholic community members to continually practice their faith in all areas of their lives
To become a supporting faith community.
To plan and consult with the Diocese of London Ontario in order to help provide the group with a monthly worshiping space.
To assist in cases of family members’ reunion traced from all over the world, in collaboration with the UN and the Canadian Government/embassies and churches.
To help Church sponsored refugees, both individual and family members to find a welcoming faith community.
To pray and sing in our own languages as well as in English.
To celebrate Mass once a month.
History of St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica
St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica is the "mother church" of the Diocese of London. It is located at the corner of Richmond Street and Dufferin Avenue in the heart of beautiful downtown London, Ontario.
Compared with the ancient cathedrals of Europe, its history is brief but it carries us back to the pioneer days of Ontario, and to conditions which made the building of a church as large and splendid as St. Peter's remarkable achievement.
At the dedication of the Cathedral in 1885, Bishop Walsh said, "This cathedral is the expression in stone of the great zeal and love for religion of the noble clergy and generous laity of the whole Diocese and of their cordial union and cooperation with their Bishop, and it will stand for ages an eloquent and enduring monument of their faith, hope and charity."