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London North Central Catholic Family of Parishes
St. Michael's Parish | St. Josephine Bakhita African & Caribbean Catholic Community | St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica​

Info Board
Black History Month: Black Resistance & Resilience: Overcoming Adversity & Thriving
The month of February has been designated as Black History Month by the Government of Canada since 2008.
During Black History Month, we honour and amplify the voices of Black Canadians while celebrating their many achievements and contributions. The efforts of Black Canadians and their communities throughout history have greatly enriched Canada’s cultural diversity, compassion and prosperity.
The theme for Black History month in London is Black Resistance & Resilience: Overcoming Adversity and Thriving.
There are many events planned throughout the city during this month. Click here to see a list of some of the activities happening in our city. To learn more about Black History Month in Canada, click here.
St. Michael's Knights of Columbus
Parish Breakfast: Sunday, February 16th
The St. Michaels Knights of Columbus will be hosting a parish breakfast on Sunday,
February 16th after the 8:00am and 10:00am Masses in the parish hall.
Due to the rising cost of supplies, there will need to be a modest increase in admission; $7 per person and $25 per family. Please come and join us, all are welcome!
St. Michael's CWL: Social & Flower Arrangement Demonstration
Join us for a special social evening on Tuesday, February 18th, 6:30pm in St. Michael’s Parish Hall. Geraldine Peters from Jim Anderson Flowers will be demonstrating a variety of simple flower arrangements that you may want to try out at home in time for
Valentine’s Day.
There is no cost for this event, but her arrangements will be for sale at cost at the end of the evening. Refreshments and time for socializing will be offered after the demonstration. Bring a friend; all are welcome!
St. Michael's CWL & Knights of Columbus: Dinner & Dance
Save the date! The St. Michael’s CWL and Knights of Columbus Dinner & Dance will be held on Saturday, February 22nd at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall, doors open at
6:30pm. If you can support St. Michael’s CWL and Knights of Columbus in their charitable efforts, please consider donating
an item to the Silent Auction.
Tickets are $30 per person. To purchase tickets or to make a donation to the silent auction, please call Joan Lobsinger at 519-438-4909 or Marty McAllister at 519-870-1859. Tickets are also available for purchase at the parish office Monday-Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm.
St. Michael's CWL Newsletter
Are you looking to stay up to date with St. Michael's CWL? Be in the know about their upcoming events, celebrations and stories by checking out their newsletter!
Click here to read more.
2024 Tax Receipts
Tax receipts for 2024 have been mailed. Thank you to all who give and for your ongoing support to your parish.
Your generosity and commitment are
deeply appreciated!
St. Peter's CWL: Meeting Update
St. Peter’s CWL members, please note the Executive meeting date has been changed to Sunday, February 16th at 2:30pm in the St. Anthony Room. See you then!
Parish Office Closure - Family Day
Please note that the parish office will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Family Day. We will reopen at 9:00am on Tuesday, February 18th.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The February Prayer Shawl Meeting will be on Thursday, February, 20th at 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the St. Josemaria room. For any questions, please contact Janice Vollmer at 519-690-0802. See you then!
A Jubilee Year: Development and Peace
What is a Jubilee? Celebrated every 25 years in the Catholic Church, a Jubilee is a special year of forgiveness and reconciliation in which people are invited to come back into right relationships with God, with one another and with all Creation. The tradition is inspired by the biblical year of jubilee, a time when debts were cancelled, slaves were set free and the land was allowed to rest (Lev. 25, Deut. 15).
This year, under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” Pope Francis invites Catholics to renew their hope and adopt a vision that can “restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone.” Find out how Development and Peace — Caritas Canada will be living the Jubilee by helping “Turn Debt Into Hope” at
March Break Family Movie Night
Join us on Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00pm in the St. Michael's Parish Hall for our March Break Family Movie Night! Enjoy some quality time with your family while watching an Oscar-winning animated movie. Bring your family, pillows and blankets for a cozy evening. Doors open at 6:30pm.
Visit our social media for clues as to which movie it will be! We will be announcing our feature movie on Wednesday, February 19th.
Please note, all children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult (18+).
Truth & Reconciliation - ReconciliAction
The Truth and Reconciliation Committee invites parishioners to participate in a Day of ReconciliAction and Friendship on Friday, March 14th.
The day involves a fire, breakfast and lunch, a tour of the three First Nations outside of London and opportunities to learn from Indigenous Knowledge Keepers. The deadline to register is Friday, March 7th. Click here for more information.
Confirmation Registration: Grade 8
Registration for our spring session will remain open until Friday, March 21st. Click here for more information or email Leigh at
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