London North Central Catholic Family of Parishes
St. Michael's Parish | St. Josephine Bakhita African & Caribbean Catholic Community | St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica​
Liturgical Ministries
The liturgy is at the heart of our Catholic faith. When we gather together at Eucharist each Sunday, we become a visible sign of Christ's presence in the world. Each one of us has been called and gifted by God to be that presence. The liturgy provides many opportunities to use your gifts to build up the body of Christ.
Altar Servers & Sacristans
Altar Servers assist in all aspects of the liturgical celebration. The actions of these individuals highlight the ritual that is so much a part of the liturgy that we celebrate. They bear witness to the importance and reverence of the celebration and help to ensure that the liturgy unfolds with grace and dignity.
Altar Servers & Sacristans at St. Michael's Parish
Altar Servers ministry is open to youth in Grade 4 and above. Training is provided. Scheduled every three or four weeks. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass.
Altar Server for Funerals. Participation in Funeral Liturgies expresses your support and that of our faith community for families who have lost a loved one. God has gifted you with compassion and a desire to reach out to grieving parishioners. The altar servers are listed on the funeral roster and are called when required.
Sacristans assist in the preparations for the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist by setting out, cleaning and putting away the sacred vessels. You have a gift for detail and the ability to work on a team. Training is provided. Scheduled one Mass every 3 weeks.
Altar Servers at St. Peter's Cathedral
Altar Servers at St. Peter's Cathedral are members of the Guild of St. Stephen, an international association of Altar Servers.
A bereavement minister assists families with funeral preparations and reach out to those grieving the loss of a loved one. Training and support is provided. The time involved varies depending on the needs of the family. St. Michael’s also has a bereavement group that is made up of individuals who have experienced a loss and find benefit, solace and comfort in meeting others. This group generally meets once a month depending on interest and is facilitated. Grief shared is grief diminished.
Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the presider in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the gathered assembly. As ambassadors of the Eucharistic Table, they may also bring communion to those of our community who are unable to be with us.
Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound. Our parish community includes parishioners who live at home but for health reasons are not able to attend Mass. You will have the privilege of bringing them Holy Communion and visiting with them on Sundays. The time varies depending on the number of people visited.
Eucharistic Minister to Nursing Homes. Our parish community includes parishioners who reside in Nursing Homes and senior residences and are unable to attend Sunday Eucharist. You will have the privilege of bringing them Holy Communion and visiting with them. You can choose a day that suits your schedule. Training will be provided. The time varies depending on the number of people visited.
Hospitality Ministry
The Ministers of Hospitality represent the welcoming face of our community. They are graced with the opportunity to extend Christ's love in this way to both friend and stranger.
Ministers of Hospitality welcome those who gather for the celebration, provide assistance and care when needs arise, answer inquiries, take up the collection, organize the gift procession, and distribute bulletins and other pertinent information at the end of Mass.
Hospitality North at St. Michael's Parish
Hospitality North provides free meals for 75 to 125 members of the community each Monday evening from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. from September to May right here at St. Michael’s. The volunteers are drawn from Colborne United, New St. James Anglican, Trinity Lutheran and St. Michael’s. We help in set-up, preparing and serving the food, and clean-up. Time commitment would be two hours once every month. Join Hospitality North.
As God's Word speaks to us through the scriptures, God speaks to the gathered through the proclamation of scripture by the Lector. By proclaiming the scriptures in the liturgical assembly, the Lector brings to birth the living Word of God and reminds us that God's Word is alive here and now. By leading the Prayer of the Faithful (General Intercessions), the minister connects us to both the local and global communities and to pray for those in need.
The Lectionary Pronunciation Guide can be found here.
St. Peter's Cathedral Lectors Schedule: July 8/ 9 to September 23/24, 2023 (Year A)
Music Ministry
Music serves to excite, create, challenge and unite us in prayer. Along with the spoken word, music helps to put a further voice to our faith and enables us to be touched by the very mysteries of God as we unite together in prayer. Ministers of Music lead and encourage the assembly in song and support the liturgical action through music.
Choirs at St. Michael's Parish
5:00 P.M. Choir. The choir sings a wide variety of contemporary and traditional hymns. It’s main purpose is to lead the congregation in song. We welcome people of all ages. Rehearsals: Every Tuesday from 7:15 to 9:00 p.m. from September to June.
8:00 A.M. Choir. The choir strives to sing the best in sacred choral music to create a spiritual and meaningful atmosphere of worship for all parishioners. All are welcome.
10:00 A.M. Choir. This contemporary folk choir leads the congregation into a fuller participation of the liturgy of the Mass. Instrumentalists may include piano, guitar, flute, violin, and tambourine. Everyone is welcome. Rehearsals: Every Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. from September to June.
12:00 P.M. Choir. The choir sings traditional and contemporary hymns. Several of the members are high school and university students. Students can earn their volunteer hours serving this ministry. All are welcome. Rehearsals: Half an hour before Mass.
Music Ministry at St. Peter's Cathedral
As music ministers we offer our gifts to give glory to God and support the sung prayer of the community. Singing in the liturgy expresses and nourishes our faith, uniting us in love as the body of Christ.
Our Mission Statement can be found here.
Cathedral Singers
The Cathedral Singers support the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass and Diocesan celebrations. The choir provides sacred choral music to enhance the liturgy and encourage participation. Musical skills are an asset but an open willingness to learn is recognized and encouraged. Contact Gloria for a brief meeting to determine voice range and general musicianship. Rehearsals: Thursdays 7:00 p.m. and Sundays 10:15 a.m. (September to June) Ages 14 and up welcome.
To contact Gloria Gassi, Director of Liturgical Music, click the button below.
St. Peter's Children's Choir
The children's choir provides the opportunity to participate in the parish's music ministry while developing the singing voice and musical skills. Children sing at the 11a.m. Sunday Mass occasionally between September and June.
Rehearsals: Thursdays 6:15 - 6:55 p.m. Ages 7-13 welcome.
Interested parents should contact Gloria Gassi 519-641-1384 or click the button below.